Terms & Conditions

The information contained in this website refers to FARMACIA PARÍS®, S.A. DE C.V., (from here on FARMACIA PARÍS®) and the products it sells. By accessing it you acknowledge having read and understood its contents and your agreement with them. The information contained in this website is merely illustrative, so in no way implies a binding offer between FARMACIA PARÍS© and the website users. FARMACIA PARÍS© reserves the right to modify the information contained in its website as it deems appropriate and without notice.


This page does not perform medical or pharmaceutical consultations. FARMACIA PARÍS© does not provide medical or pharmaceutical advice through its website. Only a health professional with a professional license can legally provide medical consultations or provide advice. FARMACIA PARÍS© only markets and distributes products and medicines abiding to Mexican law.


FARMACIA PARÍS© requires user authentication in the system through the use of login and password credentials in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of information. All data we collect from our suppliers and / or users is confidential and it is used only for the aforementioned purposes and in accordance with applicable law and it never implies any binding obligation from FARMACIA PARÍS©.


FARMACIA PARÍS© assumes no liability for the contents and / or services linked directly or indirectly to FARMACIA PARÍS© website. FARMACIA PARÍS© assumes no liability resulting from the exchange of electronic information, technical failures in computer equipment, etc... resulting when using the FARMACIA PARÍS© website or any other websites.


FARMACIA PARÍS© is the intellectual property owner of all its website contents, the screens displayed, the graphics, animations and the information. All the content of this website is protected by national and international intellectual property law and cannot be reproduced or used in whole or in part, without the prior authorization of FARMACIA PARÍS©. FARMACIA PARÍS© trade name and logo are registered trademarks of FARMACIA PARÍS©. All third party advertisement content in this website is protected by intellectual property law and implies no liability or responsibility from FARMACIA PARÍS©.


FARMACIA PARÍS© monitors the implementation of the above conditions and their violation could result in FARMACIA PARÍS© taking civil and/or criminal action. FARMACIA PARÍS© policy is to refrain from misleading advertising, however, typos of unintentional mistakes may be found on its website as they may occur as a result of regular maintenance or content updates. FARMACIA PARÍS© commits to making any due corrections as and when it learns of their existence.


© Copyright Farmacia París S.A. de C.V. 2005-2011

Copyright ® Farmacia París S.A. de C.V. 2011