We implemented the París TDU Pharmacy Card, it provides discounts and benefits for students. The card is accepted in all Farmacia París stores and in more than a thousand retailers across Mexico.

We opened Farmacia París Óptica Devlyn to provide ophthalmology and audiology services. Farmacia París Óptica Devlyn offers a large variety of products and the best prices in downtown Mexico City

We practice Corporate Social Responsibility by balancing profit-making activities with activities that benefit our society and our planet. We obtained the Empresa Socialmente Responsable -ESR- (CSR) certification, the Empresa Segura (Safe Company) certification by the Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (Ministry of Labor and Social Security). As well as the Empresa Incluyente (Inclusive Company) certification.

The building that more than three centuries later became home to Farmacia París is originally built as a monastery for Agustine monks.

February 28th 1944
Farmacia París opens its doors in downtown Mexico City. Since then it has remained open 365 days a year.

July 4th 1950
Mexico City suffers one of the worst floods in its history. For two weeks downtown Mexico City remains more than a meter under water.

Mr. Ignacio Merino Martínez rebuilds Farmacia París immediately after being flooded. The pharmacy remained open every single day throughout the reconstruction works.

Joan Salk discovers a vaccine against Polio. In 1953 she gives her discovery to mankind and saves millions of lives.


20 years
Paris Pharmacy becomes the preeminent over-the-counter establishment in Latin America..

December 3rd, 1973
The annex to Farmacia París opens on República de El Salvador 85. The first issue of Almanaques Kanin is published.

The WHO officially declares smallpox completely eradicated. The first human disease to be so.

December 12th, 1994
The opening of the 'rebotica' which in the past was used for the preparation of bespoke formulas provides the Mexican public with the opportunity to visit a jewel of colonial architecture in Mexico City.

January 28th, 2010
The annex to Farmacia París opens on República de El Salvador 77.

The Pharmacy remains a family business led by its third generation and is preparing for its 70th anniversary by launching a new website.

The Next 100 Years
For us your health and wellness are and will always be the most important thing. Our challenge is to continue listening to you and offering the best selection, variety and prices among Mexican pharmacies.

Copyright ® Farmacia París S.A. de C.V. 2011